Are You Missing Money ?
- November 12, 2014
- Posted by: Deborah Moody
- Category: Business Tips Favorite Vendors small business tips Uncategorized
Would you know if you were missing money? While researching this newsletter, an employee on Renee’s Team discovered that she had more than $1500 in Unclaimed Property funds! Take a few minutes to read through the following article and see if you have your own pot of gold waiting for you to claim!
Are You Missing Money
by Renee Daggett

Are you missing money? While we would all like to think that we would be able to answer that question with a resounding “no,” the answer might really be YES!
You may be one of millions of Californians owed money by the State!
According to the California State Controller’s Office, the State of California is in possession of more than $6.9 billion in unclaimed property belonging to approximately 24.9 million individuals and organizations! Examples of Unclaimed Property include:
Bank accounts and safe deposit box contents
- Stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and dividends
- Uncashed cashier’s checks or money orders
- Certificates of deposit
- Matured or terminated insurance policies
- Estates
- Mineral interests and royalty payments, trust funds, and escrow accounts
With Unclaimed Property, often the owner forgets that the account exists or moves without leaving a forwarding address. In some cases, the owner dies and the heirs have no knowledge of the property.